We help international students and young immigrants (historically underrepresented communities) with career development, cultural integration, and mental wellness training.

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Who am I and why would you listen to me?

I would like to tell you a little bit about myself for you to get a better understanding of who I am and why you should even listen to what I say when searching for your ideal cultural & career coach.

My name is Nick Yan, I:

  • Was born and raised in Beijing;

  • Arrived in the U.S. with “broken” English - couldn’t even complete a sentence well;

  • Went through FIRE to learn about the American culture (happy to share more of my stories if you are interested);

  • Outran more than 1,000 applicants (of diverse backgrounds) to land an internship at State Street (Global Headquarter) in Boston, most of whom went to more prestigious schools, and had better GPAs, more extensive work experience, and broader connections;

  • Graduated from Brandeis University with a full-time job offer from JPMorgan and obtained Green Card sponsorship;

  • Started coaching other students to maximize their strengths and fulfill their career goals. The students achieved great results;

  • Decided career coaching was more fulfilling and started cultural blueprints entrepreneurship full-time. 


My experience may seem “too good to be true” but I’m not bragging here - on the contrary, my experience should serve as a perfect example that as an international student, you can also realize your dream when it comes to maneuvering your way through your job hunt in the U.S. hiring system. As a former international student, I’m probably one of the most uniquely qualified individuals to be talking about this because not only do I come from a different cultural background and understand the underlying impact of cultural differences, but I also went out of my way to truly immerse myself in the American culture and learned about its customs and nuances, and I attribute my success in job hunting and career in the U.S. market to a ingenious blend of my own cultural roots and my observations of the American culture. My understanding of successful communication (whether it is in the form of outreach E-mail, interview, or networking conversations) lies in the creation of a comfortable “flow”, where interactive topics are carried out in a manner easy to understand for both parties (here I apply what I learned from cultural immersion in the U.S.) while expressing your unique personality to positively impress your interlocutor (here I apply what I acquired from my own cultural background).

There are career coaches with diverse experiences and expertise in the market, but few of them have walked your path to gain enough resonance with you. The “Dark Horse Method” I have developed specifically took into account the challenges and obstacles international students face in the U.S. during job hunting, it is based on but transcends my own experiences, and have been tested, validated and enriched by people who have used it, that is why it is so unique and powerful…

Close your eyes and imagine what it would be like if you have obtained your dream offer. Now expand your imagination and see that your hard work was recognized by your employer and you have obtained your H1-B sponsorship, and even your Green Card sponsorship through your employer… 

How much of a relief would that be? 

To be stress-free and not have to worry day and night about whether you can get a offer that secures your place in a company and in the U.S...

To ease your parents’ concern and worry about how you are doing in a new country and culture…

To truly relax and enjoy life, to immerse yourself in and learn about a new way of living, to be a part of a global community where you not only contributes but also shines…

The Dark Horse Method AKA Dark Horse 9-step Networking Program can help you achieve this if you implement it correctly. Its long lasting benefits will even stretch from your job hunting phase to your workplace routine. Whether you decide to stay in the U.S. workforce for one year or for ten years, you will have moments of “Ah I just applied the useful ‘Dark Horse Method’ again!” without having to think hard to how/where/when to use it - it will become natural and will make your work life easier.

After our free initial consultation session, you will have a clearer idea on where you stand and how you can improve yourself on the job searching journey.

Our Services


One-off Services

  • Customized career map

  • Resume & LinkedIn makeover

  • Core stories & elevator pitch write-up

  • Professional networking profile makeover

  • Staffing placement services (temp, temp-to-full, full-time employment referral)

  • Psychological support

The DHM Mentorship Plan

The 6-month mentorship plan is a step by step program that aims to train you into an communication expert so that you can present yourself easily and comfortably even when the toughest questions are asked by the interviewers.

Accent Training & Oral English Practice Program

The one-on-one hands-on coaching program allows you to understand tones, rhymes and patterns in American English and speak comfortably like a native speaker. The program consists of:

  • Accent training through business professional presentations and American humor

  • Speech and video analysis

  • Virtual/on-site practice with personal coaching


“In the job seeking marathon, Academy 9 has not only helped me gain clarity in career planning and improve significantly in interview, networking and communication, but also offers constant encouragement and affirmation while I am down or confused. ”

– Adam Song, Investment Banker, Columbia University Alumnus


"The mentoring methods and contents Academy9 provided were revolutionary. Originally, my understanding of job searching was limited to resume sending. I was doubtful when I first learned about concepts such as "elevator pitch", "networking" and "body language", because these are areas I never had a chance to learn about. Now that one year has passed, when I looked back, I feel the things I learned from Academy9 not only helped me open doors to the U.S. companies, but will also benefit me in any workplace in the future. "

– Skyler Yun, Deloitte Tax Associate, Bentley University Alumna