Maybe you are unsure of how to network or how to perform an elevator pitch…

Maybe you have little idea on how to prepare for an interview to impress…

Maybe you are hesitant to express yourself to the potential employer…

Do not worry - we are here to help!

The “Dark Horse Method” 9-Step Networking Program

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Why the name “Dark Horse Method”?

A “dark horse” typically refers to someone who “unexpectedly wins or succeeds.” Have you wondered how you can outrun hundreds and thousands of other candidates and eventually become the special “black horse” employers would notice? While most candidates possess strong technical capabilities, not everyone knows how to best convey their awesomeness to impress.

Our method helps you understand where your strengths are, how to make them visible to interviewers, while still being yourself.

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Demystify the Matrix of Networking

Even if you haven’t heard of the famous “six degrees of separation” theory, you must have seen “1st”, “2nd” or “3rd” connections on LinkedIn. As humans, we thrive on “connections” - in pre-internet days, people physically gather to get to know new friends; the emergence of internet has made the process even easier, in just a matter of clicks, new connections are made.

We understand the importance of network, because it is the bridge between you and your dream offer. Don’t just settle for campus career fairs and E-mailing recruiters, we specialize in helping you build strong connections so people (especially recruiters, hiring managers, and potential employers) can see how you shine.

Associate your name with your outstanding qualities and amiable personality so when the hiring team thinks about who to hire, your lively image pops in their mind, instead of a name laying on a flat piece of paper.

Accent Training & Oral English Practice Training Program


Let’s face it - most people you meet in the US may be hesitant to point it out when they don’t fully understand you, whether because of your pronunciation, accent, or your use of vocabulary. In addition, certain well-intentioned expressions could come off as strange or even uncomfortable for the listeners. Nobody wants to be the one who pops the bubble, like the brutally honest kid did in “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Therefore, it may already be hard to identify the issues, let alone to make improvements. But don’t fret! We, a team of people who have experiences in coaching international students speak English with ease and comfort, have come to your rescue. 

We designed this highly personalized one-on-one interactive coaching program that pairs you with an instructor who improves your English pronunciations as well as your communication skills in both casual and professional scenarios. We are not here to make vague promises - we are here to get things done and show results! You will be expected to show hard work and commitment, and we are here to guide you along the way. The course content is also designed to be fun and practical, so we are looking forward to an exciting journey with you!

Over the span of 3-6 months, you will improve your spoken English while cracking the underlying secrets of casual and professional social interactions, through weekly hour-long coaching sessions and 5 hours of hands-on exercises. The course is categorized by certain scenarios in social interactions, such as “constructive criticism” and “humorous speech.” In learning those topics, you will improve through guided active listening, imitation, and mentor feedback. Your mentor will point out things that you might have not been aware of, correct you and provide you with helpful feedback along the way.

Why Our Strategy Works?

"Improvement" is hard to quantify. Through interactive assessments, we get to know each individual client and analyze his/her strengths and weaknesses to formulate a customized and actionable plan. During resume critique, outreach training and interview evaluation, we carefully dig deep into the details (e.g. choice of verbs) for what can be improved to enhance a candidate's chance of being acknowledged by the potential employer.

What really sets us apart is our dedication in understanding your cultural landscape and taking cultural differences into account. By doing so, we get to the root to bridging the differences in ways of communication and ultimately, bringing forth "the best of both worlds" to help an international candidate shine in networking and interviews.